Manny Oliveira has worked in the entertainment and human
relations development industries since 1972 when he served
as the youngest member of the U.S. Air Force Human Relations
Committee at Wilford Hall Medical Center. During his military
career, he worked as a counselor, mediator and personnel instructor
with a focus on interactive aspects of policy related to affirmative
action, race relations and communications.
As a consultant in the area of corporate communications,
Manny specializes in helping personnel enhance their interactive
skills for optimum communication of their policies in order
to create a more team-oriented and productive workplace. He
is particularly skilled in utilizing humor as the primary
instructional tool. In fact, studies show that presentations
utilizing humor increase curriculum retention by 60-80 percent.
All seminars allow for substantive interaction between presenter
and participants and among the participants themselves. These
seminars provide a safe and relaxed atmosphere that allows
for positive, on-message discussion. As a result, these unique
training opportunities translate into a more productive workplace.
Examples of Manny’s message-specific seminars and custom
training programs include:
Humor in the Workplace
Interdepartmental Communications
Race & Cultural Relations
Sexual Harassment
Political Correctness
Presentations & Public Speaking
Open Forums
Intergenerational Communications
Training Performance
Private Coaching/Speech Writing